Brittany Ryan was wrapping up her senior year in college and about ready to do what hundreds of thousands of people her age do every fall: begin the next, post-educational stage of her life by looking for a job and getting her future underway.
Cancer had other ideas.
That summer, Brittany was diagnosed with stage 4-B Hodgkin's lymphoma.
As her friends began new and exciting chapters in their lives, she began chemotherapy.
But that isn't all she did. She also launched a campaign, Live.Laugh.Lymphoma, backed up by a Facebook page to bring awareness to blood disorders and to help raise money for the Lymphoma Research Foundation.
Just recently, her doctors told her the good news: she was in remission. Knowing full well that that wasn't the end of it, Brittany has begun publishing weekly videos in which she answers questions about her treatment, her disease, her campaign, and many other things that people in this community want to know.
The Lymphoma Information Network will be featuring her weekly answer videos, and along the way finding out more about Brittany's experiences as a Hodgkin's patient.
Here is this week's video answer:
Visit her homepage, Live.Laugh.Lymphoma for more information. You can also subscribe to her YouTube channel and Like her Facebook page.
We will have more from her, including an extended interview, over the coming weeks.
Photo used with permission from Brittany Ryan