Zofran is an anti-nausea drug administered to many chemotherapy and radiation patients while they undergo treatment.
Nausea occurs when your body produces a signaling chemical called serotonin to induce nausea in response to treatment. This signal binds to a receptor in your body, which triggers the nausea. Zofran works by blocking the serotonin receptor, thus preventing the response.
Zofran can be administered intravenously (IV) or orally in pill form. If taken as a pill, you should not double dose, even if you miss one pill. Take only as directed.
Most side effects are mild, but Zofran can impair your thinking and reaction time, so you shouldn’t drive while taking it. These side effects include blurred vision, anxiety, and fainting.
Other symptoms include a slowed heart rate, headaches, dry mouth, shivering, frequent urination, trouble breathing, and allergic reactions. Alert your doctor to any drug allergies you have.