
Review for a Cure

I love clever ideas!
Now you can help raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society without buying or selling anything! Instead of writing a check, you can raise money by writing online reviews of local businesses you already use on insiderpages.com.
Each review you write earns up to $0.50 for our fundraiser!
If you are the first person to review a business, your review will earn up to $0.50. If you post the 2nd - 4th review of a business, Insider Pages will donate up to $0.25! Reviews of chain stores or chain restaurants do not count towards our Fundraiser.

Can you send a Birthday Card?

There’s somebody I want you to meet.
Her name is Savannah Swandal. She's suffering from a rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer. She is fighting cancer--Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma--for the third time. She just received some very difficult news.
As her mother explains, “The news I heard was NOT what I wanted to hear. It is not what I hoped for. It is not what I prayed for. It is news that makes me extremely sad, concerned & worried.

Free Lymphoma Workshops in Arizona and Massachusetts

On Saturday, March 6, 2010, Thomas P. Miller, MD, of the Arizona Cancer Center will welcome lymphoma patients, survivors, and loved ones to a one-day workshop at the Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center. The Lymphoma Research Foundation's Lymphoma Workshop programs provide the latest information about the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn more about their specific type of lymphoma during the comprehensive disease–specific breakout sessions

Out With Cancer

The national LGBT Cancer Project and Out With Cancer, constitute the first national LGBT cancer nonprofit organization in the United States.

Choose to Be Happy Now

I’ve been reading the work of Dr. Timothy Sharp at the Happiness Institute (yes there really is such a place) and I have been struck by his perspective that “Happiness is determined more by our minds than by our circumstances.” What better time to hear this when you or someone you love is struggling with an illness.

As Dr. Sharp explains, “a wasted day is a day that’s gone. There are no reruns. Every one of us has 86,400 seconds every day. If we don’t use them we can’t save them up. Our “account” is cleaned out every night and we need to start again.”

Choose to Be Happy Now

I’ve been reading the work of Dr. Timothy Sharp at the Happiness Institute (yes there really is such a place) and I have been struck by his perspective that “Happiness is determined more by our minds than by our circumstances.” What better time to hear this when you or someone you love is struggling with an illness.

As Dr. Sharp explains, “a wasted day is a day that’s gone. There are no reruns. Every one of us has 86,400 seconds every day. If we don’t use them we can’t save them up. Our “account” is cleaned out every night and we need to start again.”

Balancing Cancer and Career

The results of a national Harris Interactive survey of working women diagnosed with cancer found that only 1 percent of them viewed their company a source of information or support in handling their illness. Although they are usually satisfied with interpersonal support and report an ability to balance the strain of their illness and their careers, many survey participants reported suffering treatment -connected difficulties on the task, such as fatigue, nausea and hair loss, find little help in workplace programs.

Resources for Caregivers

Caregivers face numerous struggles in balancing their own needs and those of the person they love and care for. Here are some new resources that may provide extra support.

Twitter Cancer Resources

If you are already on twitter, you know how much fun it can be. If you’re not, spend some time checking it out. One of the things to do is look for followers who have the same interests you do. Here are some of the twitterers who regularly post on cancer-related topics. Some are regular folks who are recovering, others are health professionals and researchers, while others gather information to share.

Know Cancer is a Social Network that provides Support, Education and Resources to the Cancer Community

Find Cancer News on Blog Talk Radio

BlogTalkRadio allows anyone, anywhere the ability to host a live, Internet Talk Radio show, simply by using a telephone and a computer. What’s really neat is you have the ability to listen to thousands of shows for free. You can listen to them on your computer, or you can download them and listen to them later, while you are in the car, or taking a walk, for example. You can listen to them live, or you can listen to archives shows.

